Production Scientifique de l’équipe01
Communications Internationales
1 |
Yousfi aissa, Zegnini boubakeur , « Fractal analysis of streamer patterns in dielectric liquids under dc voltage » ; 9th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO), 26-28 Nov. 2015, Turky. |
2 |
A Seghiour, T Seghier, B Zegnini, « Defects rotor identification by magnetic spectrum analyzing in a squirrel-cage asynchronous machine » ; 3rd International Control, Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT), 2015 . |
3 |
Ait abbas, H., Belkheiri, M., & Zegnini, B. Neural Network-Based Adaptive Control For Induction Motors, The 12th IEEE InternationalMulti-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices, Mahdia-Tunisie. (16-19 Mars 2015). |
4 |
6- Ait abbas, H., Belkheiri, M., & Zegnini, B. (2015). Radial Basis Function Neural Network-based Adaptive Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems, 3rd International Conference on Control, Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT'2015), Tlemcen-Algeria, 25-27 May, 2015. |
5 |
Belkheiri, M., Ait abbas, H., & Zegnini, B. Feedback Linearization Control of Nonlinear Uncertain Systems Using Single Hidden Layer Neural Networks, The 11th IEEE International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices, Castelldefels-Barcelona, Spain. (11-14 Fevrier 2014). |
6 |
8- Ait abbas, H., Belkheiri, M., & Zegnini, B. Neural Network Augmented Adaptive Control for a Class of Nonlinear Uncertain Systems, Second International Conference on Electrical Engineering And Control Applications (ICEECA'14), Constantine. (18-20 Novembre 2014). |
7 |
A Seghiour, T Seghier, B Zegnini ; « Diagnostic of the simultaneous of dynamic eccentricity and broken rotor bars using the magnetic field spectrum of the air-gap for an induction machine » ; International conference of Electrical Sciences and Technologies in Maghreb (CISTEM), 2014. |
8 |
K. AMEUR, A. AMEUR, A. Hadjadj, N. Essounbouli, F. Nollet “ Tuning of Speed Fuzzy logic Controller in DTC for Switched Reluctance Motor fed by Photovoltaic Generator Based on Genetic Algorithms”, 49th Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 14), Cluj-Napoca 2-5 September 2014, Romania. |
9 |
Ait abbas, H., Belkheiri, M., & Zegnini, B. Feedback linearization Control of Nonlinear systems augmented by Neural Network, Conference Internationale de Génie électrique, Bechar. (17-19 Novembre 2013). |
10 |
A. Ameur, B. Mokhtari, N. Essounbouli, L. Mokrani, "Speed Sensorless Direct Torque Control of a PMSM Drive using Space Vector Modulation Based MRAS and Stator Resistance Estimator", In proc. of ICECSE : International Conference on Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering WASET2012, Vol.66, pp. 211-216, France, June 27-28, 2012. |
11 |
Mokhtari, B., Ameur, A., Mokrani, L., Azoui,B., Benkhoris, M.F. DTC applied to optimize solar panel efficiency 2009 IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference) |
12 |
Ameur, B. Mokhtari, L. Mokrani, N. Essounbouli , B. Azoui, and A. Hamzaoui " An Improved Sliding Mode Observer for Speed Sensorless Direct Torque Control of PMSM Drive with a Three-Level NPC Inverter Based Speed and Stator Resistance Estimator ", In Proc. Of the 10th International Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering , STA’2009, CD-Rom paper, Hammamet , Tunisia, December 2009. |
13 |
A. Ameur, B. Mokhtari, L. Mokrani, N. Essounbouli et B. Azoui, "DTC Intelligente d’un MSAP, Alimenté par un Onduleur Triphasé de Type NPC à Trois Niveaux", Colloque sur la Recherche Appliquée et le Transfert de Technologie CRATT'2009, ISET Radès, Radès Médina. Tunisie, Novembre 2009. |
14 |
A. Ameur, B. Mokhtari, L. Mokrani et B. Azoui, "Commande Robuste par DTC d’un Moteur Synchrone à Aimants Permanents, dotée d’un Compensateur Flou", in Proc, of ICCMD’06, pp. 49, Annaba, Algérie, Mai 2006. |
15 |
A. Ameur, B. Mokhtari, L. Mokrani et B. Azoui, "Compensateur Flou de la Variation de Résistance statorique d’un Moteur Synchrone à Aimants Permanents Commandé par DTC", in Proc of ICEEA2006, pp.260-265, Sidi Bel-Abbès, Algérie, Mai 2006. |
16 |
B. Mokhtari, A. Ameur, L. Mokrani et S. Boukhtache, "Réduction des Fluctuations du Couple Électromagnétique d'un MSAP Commandé par DTC à Sélecteur Neuronal par l’utilisation d’un Onduleur triphasé NPC à 3 Niveaux", in Proc. of ICEL’2005, pp.80, Oran, Algérie., Novembre 2005. |
17 |
A. Ameur, L. Mokrani, S. Boukhtache et B. Mokhtari, "Commande sans Capteur de Vitesse par DTC d’une Machine Synchrone à Aimants Permanents dotee par un Observateur à Mode Glissants", in Proc. of SISEM 05, pp. 34, Annaba, Algérie, Novembre 2005. |
18 |
A. Ameur, B. Mokhtari, L. Mokrani et S. Boukhtache, "Compensation de la variation de la Résistance Statorique d’un MSAP Commandé par une DTC à Sélecteur Neuronal associée à un Observateur à Modes Glissants", in Proc. of PSCE’05, pp.260, Oum El-Bouaghi, Algérie, Mai 2005. |
Communications Nationales
1 |
A. Bechkaoui, S. Bouras, A.Ameur, D. Taibi, “ Fault Diagnosis for STATOR WINDING of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using Extended Kalman Filter”, 1èreJournée d’Etude en Automatique et ses Applications (1JEAA14), 24-04-2014, Laghouat, Algeria. |
Production Scientifique de l’équipe02
Communications Nationales
1 |
Kouidri Mohamed Ali, Mahi Djilali, Bouyekni Abdelkader, «l’influence géométrique des électrodes d’un réacteur couronne sur la distribution du champ électrique et du potential pour la dépollution électrostatique des effluents gazeux. The First International seminar on Water, Energy and Environment 2011Algiers, Algeria |
2 |
Kouidri Mohamed Ali , Flazi : Samir, Mahi Djillali, Zegnini Boubaker « Contribution au dimensionnement géométrique des électrodes des réacteurs couronnes des élecrofiltres de dépollution » 8ème Conférence Nationale sur la Haute Tension, CNHT'2011, Avril 2012Université Ibn Khaldoun de Tiaret Algerie |
3 |
Kouidri Mohamed Ali, Mahi: Djilali,:Zegnini: Boubakeur « L’impact de la conception des lignes Haute Tension sur l’environnement »Conférence sur les risques électriques,Mai 2012, Université de Laghouat, Algerie |
4 |
HADJRIOUA Farid, MAHI Djillali, SLAMA Mohammed El Amine, « Modélisation Dynamique de l'Evolution Temporelle de la décharge du Contournement sous Tension Alternative sur une Surface Isolante Polluée. »POLIREL’2013 USTMB Oran-, Algérie |
5 |
HADJRIOUA: Farid, SLAMA Mohammed El Amine, MAHI: Djillali « Contribution à la modélisation dynamique de la décharge de contournement sur une surface isolante polluée sous tension alternative » 5th ICEL’2013, Déc.2013 USTMB Oran-Algérie |
Production Scientifique de l’équipe03
Communications Internationales
1 |
Yousfi Aissa , Zegnini Boubakeur, Fractal analysis of streamer patterns in dielectric liquids under dc voltage, 9th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO), pp 489 - 492,DOI: 10.1109/ELECO.2015.7394555, IEEE Conference Publications (2015 ) |
2 |
Regaz; L. Boukezzi; B. Zegnini; D. Mahi, Contribution to the study of piezomagnetic materials, 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)Pages: 1 - 4, DOI: 10.1109/INTEE.2015.7416833 (2015) |
3 |
Tahar Chenaf and Boubakeur Zegnini, Modélisation du champ électrique à l’intérieur d’une boite d’extrémité reliant un poste blindé à isolation gazeuse à un câble haute tension, 2ème CIEEAM 2015- ENP d’Oran- 24-25 Novembre 2015 |
4 |
Seghiour . Abdellatif; Seghier .Tahar; Zegnini. Boubakeur, Diagnostic of the simultaneous of dynamic eccentricity and broken rotor bars using the magnetic field spectrum of the air-gap for an induction machine, Control, Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT), 2015 3rd International Conference onPages: 1 - 6, DOI: 10.1109/CEIT.2015.7233158 (2015) |
5 |
Ait Abbas; B. Zegnini; M. Belkheiri; A. Rabhi, Radial basis function neural network-based adaptive control of uncertain nonlinear systems, Control, Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT), 2015 3rd International Conference onPages: 1 - 6, DOI: 10.1109/CEIT.2015.7233124IEEE Conference Publications |
6 |
Ait abbas, H., Belkheiri, M., & Zegnini, B. (16-19 Mars 2015). Neural Network- Based Adaptive Control For Induction Motors, The 12th IEEE ternational Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices, Mahdia-Tunisie. |
7 |
Babaghayou, F. , Zegnini, B. , 2D and 3D modeling of the appearance of streamers in strong fields Trajectories tracing of charged particles , Electrical Sciences and Technologies in Maghreb (CISTEM), 3-6 Nov 2014 , Tunis ,2014 International Conference on DOI: 10.1109/CISTEM.2014.707694,IEEE conference publication, pp1-7,2014 |
8 |
Seghiour, A. ; Seghier, T. ; Zegnini, B., Defects rotor identification by magnetic spectrum analyzing in a squirrel-cage asynchronous machine, Electrical Sciences and Technologies in Maghreb (CISTEM), 3-6 Nov 2014 Tunis , 2014 International Conference on DOI: 10.1109/CISTEM.2014.707985,IEEE conference publication, pp1-6,2014 |
9 |
Ait abbas, H., Belkheiri, M., & Zegnini, B. (18-20 Novembre 2014). Neural Network Augmented Adaptive Control for a Class of Nonlinear Uncertain Systems, Second International Conference on Electrical Engineering And Control Applications (ICEECA'14), Constantine. |
10 |
Mohammed Belkhiri, Hamou Ait Abbas, Boubakeur Zegnini, Feedback linearization control of nonlinear uncertain systems using single hidden layer neural networks, Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD), 2014 11th International, IEEE,pp1-6,11 Feb 2014 |
11 |
Ait abbas, H., Belkheiri, M., &Zegnini, B. (17-19 Novembre 2013). Feedback linearization Control of Nonlinear systems augmented by Neural Network, Conference Internationale de Genie electrique, Bechar |
12 |
M. Belkheiri, B. Zegnini, A.H Mahdjoubi, Prediction of Equivalent Salt Deposit Density of Polluted Insulators Surface Using ALeast Squares Support Vector Machines Regression Method, Deuxième Conférence Internationale sur la Maintenance, laGestion, la Logistique et l’Electrotechnique, 2ème CIMGLE’2012, 19-21 Novembre 2012, ENSET Oran – ALGERIE- organisée par ENSET Oran en collaboration avec IUT Tremblay en France (Paris 8-France), Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique de Dakar (Sénégal) IUT Montreuil (Paris8-France) |
13 |
B. Zegnini , B.Allili ,Modeling of Corona Streamer Discharge Development along an Ice Surface, 7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on ELECTRICAL and ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING (ELECO ‘2011), proc, electric control, sponsor byIEEE 1-4 December 2011 Bursa, Turkey , Electrical materials and High voltage techniques, Oral Session A12: 05,Paper N° 376 pp I-344-347. |
14 |
Nadine Lahoud , Boubakeur Zegnini, Juan Martinez Vega "Relation between the electromechanical response and the dielectric of Poly(ethylene naphthalene 2,6-dicarboxylate) (PEN) films under high DC electrical field", 6th International Conference on Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy and its. Applications. (BDS) September (7-10) (2010). Madrid. Spain |
15 |
Boubakeur Zegnini, Mohammed Belkheiri, Djillali Mahi, Modeling Flashover Voltage (FOV) of Polluted HV Insulators Using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), ELECO ‘2009, proc, electric control, sponsor by IEEE 5-9 December 2009 Bursa, Turkey ,High Voltage Engineering , Oral Session B8: 05,Paper N° 482 |
16 |
Djillali Mahi, Boubakeur Zegnini, Optical Analysis of an Electric Discharge Evolution on an Insulating Polluted Surface Materializing a Polluted Insulator, ELECO ‘2009, proc, electric control, sponsor by IEEE 5-9 December 2009 Bursa, Turkey ,High Voltage Engineering ,Oral Session B8: 05,Paper N° 483 |
17 |
B. Zegnini, D. Mahi, J.J Martinez-Vega and L. Boudou, Mise en évidence et quantification des déformations induites dans le Poly (Ethylene-Naphthalene Dicarboxylate) (PEN) par un fort champ électrique : partie I : Influence du programme et de la durée de chargement en la tension sur la déformation induite, 1 ére Conférence Internationale sur l’Electrotechnique, l’Automatique et la Maintenance CIEEAM’08 Session 3 présentation orale, Oran le 16 et 17 Décembre 2008, Algérie. |
18 |
N. Lahoud, B. Zegnini, L. Boudou, J. Martinez-Vega, "A Description of the Various Parameters at Play During the Electrical Ageing Process of Organic Insulators", Oral presentation, OD2-1, the 6th Conference Materials for Electrical Engineering MmdE and the 5th Conference IEEE-ROMSC, 16-18 June 2008,Bucharest, Romania |
19 |
B.Zegnini , D. Mahi , J.J Martinez-Vega and L. Boudou ” Quantification expérimentale des déformations mécaniques induites dans les isolants organiques sous l’application champ électrique ” ICEEE ‘2008 International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering , April 21-23 , 2008 , Laghouat , Algeria , |
20 |
B. Zegnini, L. Boudou, J.J Martinez-Vega, « An Optical Technique to Measure the induced Mechanical Strain by a DC Electric Field in Thin Organic Insulating Films», 15 th IMEKO TC 4 Symposium , International Symposium on Novelties in Electrical Measurements and Instrumentations , 18-22 September 2007, Iasi, Romania, pp 387-390, 2007 |
21 |
B. Zegnini , L. Boudou, J.J Martinez-Vega , “An experimental study of the mechanical strains induced by a dc electric field in amorphous and partially crystallized PEN films”, ICSD2007 - IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectrics, Winchester , Hampshire , United .Kingdoom ,July 8th-13th , 2007 , pp 246-249. |
22 |
B. Zegnini , D. Mahi and A .Chaker , Flashover Voltage Estimation by Artificial Neural Network of Polluted Post Insulators Transmission Lines at High Altitude Area , 5th International Conference On Electrical and Electronics Engineering , ELECO ‘2007, proc, electric control, sponsor by IEEE 5-9 December 2007 Bursa, Turkey , High Voltage Engineering , session A6,Paper N° 129 ,p 1-4 |
23 |
B. Zegnini , L. Boudou, J.J Martinez-Vega ," Quantification of Mechanical deformation Induced by DC Electric Using Optical Technique "Macro 2006 -41st International Symposium on Macromolecules Proceedings , Rio De Janeiro , Brasil , July 16-21, 2006. |
24 |
B. Zegnini , D. Mahi and A .Chaker ,“Pollution Flashover Voltage Optimization by (RBF) Neural Network of Post Insulators for the 750 kV Lines in High Altitude Area.”, CSC’6,sixième Conférence Internationale sur les charges électriques dans les milieux non conducteurs, sponsorisée par DEIS – IEEE, Tours , Juillet 2006, France , |
25 |
B.Zegnini , D. Mahi and A .Chaker“Estimation of AC arcs Maintenance Conditions on Ice-covered Insulators Using ANN Algorithms”, fourth ELECO 2005 proc, electric control, sponsor by IEEE , December 2005,Bursa, Turkey ,High Voltage Technique , session A08 , Paper N° A4-09,p 1-4. |
26 |
B. Zegnini , D. Mahi and A .Chaker” Determination of re-ignition condition on polluted insulating surfaces“2004Annual report conference on electrical insulation and dielectric phenomena CEIDP 2004, sponsor by IEEE /DEIS, Boulder, Colorado, USA October 17–2O 2004, pp 671-674 |
27 |
B. Zegnini, D. Mahi and A .Chaker “ Analyse comparative des signaux électriques et optiques relevés d’une décharge électrique sur une surface isolante polluée alimentée en courant alternatif ” CSC’5, Cinquième Conférence Internationale sur les charges électriques dans les milieux non conducteurs, sponsorisée par DEIS - IEEE , Sfax 22-26 Novembre 2004, Tunisie, pp 59 -P08 - 1- 5 |
28 |
B. Zegnini , D. Mahi and A .Chaker “Application of artificial neural networks for modeling flashover characteristics of HV polluted insulators” SFE’2004 ,Poitiers 02-03 septembre 2004, France , Organisée par la société française d’électrostatique , pp 530-534 .ISBN 2- 9505432 -4 -3 |
29 |
B. Zegnini , D. Mahi and A .Chaker” Determination of the characteristics of AC arcs developing along electrolytic surface using regression on the test results” ICEEE ‘2004 International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering , April 24-26 , 2004 , Laghouat , Algeria |
30 |
B. Zegnini , D. Mahi and A .Chaker”Ions mobility determinations on polluted HVAC insulator during electric flashover using experimental model “2003Annual report conference on electrical insulation and dielectric phenomena CEIDP 2003, sponsor by IEEE /DEIS, October18-21 2003, Albuquerque , New Mexico, USA, pp 321 -324 |
31 |
B. Zegnini , D.Mahi « Electric field and potential distribution along a channel filled with an electrolyte modelling high voltage insulator ectrical discharge energized by an alternative current » third ELECO 2003 proc, electric control, sponsor by IEEE , 3-7 December 2003 Bursa, Turquie , pp. 213-216. |
32 |
B. Zegnini , D. Mahi and A .Chaker “New approach using artificial neural networks as function estimator of time to flashover of polluted insulators under power frequency voltage application” ISH’2003 ,XIII International symposuim on High Voltage Engineering ,Deflt, Netherlands,August 25-29 2003, sponsor by IEE , pp 407-1/4 Millpress,ISBN 90-77017-79-8 |
33 |
D.Mahi , F.Benazzouz and B.Zegnini“Multi - branches modelling of an electric discharge on slightly conductive surfaces under DC” 2002Annual report conference on electrical insulation and dielectric phenomena CEIDP 2002, sponsor by IEEE /DEIS, October20-24 2002, Cancun , Quintana Roo, Mexico,pp562-565 |
34 |
B. Zegnini and D. Mahi “Distribution of the electric field in the discharge interval under AC voltage on contaminated electrolytic surfaces simulated HV polluted insulator” 2002Annual report conference on electrical insulation and dielectric phenomena CEIDP 2002, sponsor by IEEE /DEIS,October20-24 2002, Cancun , Quintana Roo, Mexico,pp164-167 |
35 |
B. Zegnini and D. Mahi« The relationship between the estimation intensity of electrical current flowing the electrolyte and the propagation of the local discharge on an electrolytic surface under AC voltage», conference record IEEE 2002on electrical insulation ISEI 2002, sponsor by IEEE , April 7-10, 2002 Boston, MA, U.S.A. pp.241-244 |
D. Mahi and B. Zegnini « Evolution of the potential taken from A channel filled with an electrolyte submitted to an electrical discharge energized by an alternative current and correlation with the emitted light» second ELECO 2001 proc, electric control, sponsor by IEEE , 7-11 November 2001 Bursa, Turquie , pp. 178-182 |
37 |
B. Zegnini, D.Mahi, C. Huraux, A. Chaker, « Electrical and optical analysis of the electric discharge, energized by AC voltage, on polluted insulating surface», proceedings ISEIM2001, sponsor by IEEJ, 19-22 November 2001 Hemji Japan,pp. 316-319. |
Production Scientifique de l’équipe04
- Communications Internationales
1 |
A. Seghiour, T. Seghier, B. Zegnini ”Diagnostic of the Simultaneous of Dynamic Eccentricity and Broken Rotor Bars Using the Magnetic Field Spectrum of the air-gap for an Induction Machine”, 3rd International Conference on Control, Engineering & Information Technology, Mai 2015, Tlemcen Algeria. |
2 |
A. Seghiour, T. Seghier, B. Zegnini ”Diagnostic of Rotor Faults Using Spectrum Magnetic Field for an Induction Machine”, 1st International Conference on Applied Automation and Industrial Diagnostics, Djelfa, Algérie , 2015 |
3 |
Rouini, D. Mahi, T. Seghier, N. Mziou “Modelling of the AC Breakdown Voltage of Point- Plane Gaps with Discharge Insulating Barrier”, 1st International Conference on Applied Automation and Industrial Diagnostics, Djelfa, Algérie , 2015 |
4 |
Benabed, T. Seghier, S. Boudraa, M. Belkheiri” Study of Dielectric Behavior of PEN (Polyethylene-Naphtalate) by Dielectric Spectroscopy”, 2015, Zakynthos Island, Greece |
5 |
A. Seghiour, T. Seghier, B. Zegnini “Defects Rotor Identification by Magnetic Spectrum Analyzing in a Squirrel-Cage Asynchronous Machine” Conférence internationale en sciences et technologies électriques au Maghreb, Novembre 2014, Tunis- Tunisie. |
6 |
Benabed, T. Seghier, S. Boudrâa, A. Seghiour “Dielectric Proprieties and Relaxation Behavior of Polyimide Films (PI)“ Conférence internationale en sciences et technologies électriques au Maghreb, Novembre 2014, Tunis- Tunisie. |
7 |
Nedjem, T. Seghier, A. Hadjadj “Study of the Influence of an Electromagnetic Field Close to a High-voltage Line on the Human Being”, Conférence internationale en sciences et technologies électriques au Maghreb, Novembre 2014, Tunis- Tunisie. |
8 |
Rouini, D. Mahi, T. Seghier, L. Boukezzi “Investigation of influence the barrier in point -plane air gap using finite volume method”, 9ème conférence de la Société Française d’Electrostatique, 27-29 août 2014, Toulouse, France |
9 |
Rouini, D. Mahi “Investigation on the insulating barriers influence in the air gap pointe-plane by field estimatation in presence space charge using finite volume”, Conference: XII Annuel seminario on automation industriel and instrumentation, 2014 |
10 |
Seghier, F. Benabed, I. Fofana, S. Boudraa, B. Zegnini “Low Frequency Dielectric Properties Study of Oil Impregnated Paper Insulation Used in Power Transformers” 9ème conférence de la Société Française d’Electrostatique, 27-29 août 2014, Toulouse, France |
11 |
Seghier, F. Benabed, S. Boudraa, D. MAHI, B. ZEGNINI “Dielectric Proprieties Determination of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) by Dielectric Spectroscopy” 2014 International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE), April 2014, Antalya, Turquey. |
12 |
Boudraa, L. Mokhnache, I. Foafana“A comparative study of impact of electrical stress and thermal aging on transformer oil”, International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD), 2014, |
13 |
Boudraa, L. Mokhnache, I. Foafana, “Artificial neural networks for predicting the gassing tendency under electrical discharge in insulating oil for extended time”, International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD), 2014,2014, |
14 |
Boudraa, L. Mokhnache, I. Foafana, “Influence of Various Stresses on the Physicochemical Properties of Transformer Oil”, Conference: International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, 2014, Séoul, Koréa |
15 |
Seghier, F. Benabed, S. Boudraa, D. Mahi, B. Zegnini “Experimental Investigation Into Dielectric Properties Dependence of Paper Insulation”, Fourth International Meeting On Dielectric Materials Marrakech, Morocco, 29-31 May 2013 |
16 |
A. Elaguoune, T. Seghier, D. Mahi, Etude par simulation d’un dispositif expérimental de détection de décharges partielles dans un câble électrique, Deuxième Conférence Internationale sur la Maintenance, la Gestion, la Logistique et l’Electrotechnique, 2ème CIMGLE’2012, 19-21 Novembre 2012, ENSET Oran, Algérie |
17 |
Seghier, D. Mahi “Experimental study of temperature effect on partial discharge inception in power transmission cable» Revue périodique Dirassat Special Issue ISSN 1112-4652, Proceeding the second international conference on electrical and electronics engineering, Laghouat, April 2008, pp. 282-286. |
18 |
Seghier, D. Mahi, D. Vatau « study by simulation the combined effect of space charge and cavities on electric field and potential distribution solid insulation containing cavities» Scientific Bulletin of polytechnic, Special Issue ISSN 1582-7194, 7th international power systems conference, Romania, 22-23 November. 2007, pp.597-602. |
19 |
Seghier, D. Mahi, F. M. Frigura «effect of temperature and relative humidity on partial discharges activity in artificial air gap embedded in high density polyethylene» Scientific Bulletin of polytechnic, Special Issue ISSN 1582-7194, 7th international power systems conference, Romania, 22-23 November. 2007, pp.603-608. |
20 |
Seghier, D. Mahi, T. Lebey and D. Malec « analysis of the electric field and the potential distribution in cavities inside solid insulating electrical materials» Conference proceeding ISBN 0-9766792-2-1, International Comsol conference, Paris, November 5-9, 2006, pp. 31-34. |
21 |
Seghier, D. Mahi, A. Nouar, K. Lefkaier « The Effect of Temperature and the Mutual intluence Between two Cavities on the Appearance of Partial Discharges in Gaseous Cavities Contained in the Insulator of High Voltage » IEEE proceeding, International Conference on Solid Dielectrics. Toulouse, France, July 5-9. 2004, pp.598-602 |
22 |
Seghier, D. Mahi, A. Nouar, K. Lefkaier « Study by simulation of the effect on temperature on the appearance of partial discharges in gaseous cavities contained in the insulator of high voltage cable » Power Tech. Conference Proceedings, 2003 IEEE Bologna, Italia. Volume 2, 23-26 June 2003. |
Communications Nationales
1 |
S. Rayane, B. Zegnini, T. Seghier « Appareils de mesures et moyens d’essais du champ électromagnétique »La 1ère Journée d'Information et de Sensibilisation sur la Compatibilité Electromagnétique et l’Eco-Design, JISCEM’12, 2012, Laghouat, Algérie |
2 |
Tabarrakh, T. Seghier « Surtension induite par la foudre dans une ligne haute tension » La 1ère Journée d'Information et de Sensibilisation sur la Compatibilité Electromagnétique et l’Eco-Design, JISCEM’12, 2012, Laghouat, Algérie |
3 |
Seghier « Pollution électromagnétique sources, dangers et risques », La 1ère Journée d'Information et de Sensibilisation sur la Compatibilité Electromagnétique et l’Eco-Design, JISCEM’12, 2012, Laghouat, algérie |
4 |
Seghier, A.H. Mahdjoubi “Piles à combustibles et voiture avec le plein de H2» first International Workshop on the Renewable Energies and their Applications,1st WIERA’2008, 10-12 Mai 2008 Laghouat Algérie |
5 |
A.H. Mahdjoubi ,T. Seghier « Exploitation de la biomasse dans la société industrielle » first International Workshop on the Renewable Energies and their Applications,1st WIERA’2008, 10-12 Mai 2008 Laghouat Algérie |
Production Scientifique de l’équipe05
Communications Internationales
1 |
Lidjici H., Khemakhem H ”Raman spectroscopy investigation, dielectric and piezoelectric properties of 93%(Bi0.5 Na0.5)TiO3-7%BaTiO3 lead free piezoceramics” International Meeting on Materials for Electronic Applications - IMMEA-2013,14 - 17 November 2013 Sousse ,Tunisie |
2 |
Lidjici H., Laghoun B., Dnidni H” Ab initio calculations for the Bismuth sodium titanate (Bi0.5 Na0.5)TiO3 “Premières journées internationales de physique, 16 -17 décembre 2013 Constantine , Algérie . |
3 |
BERRAHAL Mokhtar, AMERI Mohamed and LIDJICI Hamza “First principles investigations of filled skutterudite CeRu4P12 compound for thermoelectric applications” International Conference on Thermoelectric, Nashville, Tennnessee, USA, July 6 – 10 , 2014 |
4 |
Lidjici H., Khemakhem H “Raman spectroscopy of (Bi0.5 Na0.5)TiO3-BaTiO3 ceramics” Deuxième Edition de l'École Franco-Maghrébine sur la Spectroscopie Vibrationnelle IR et Raman (EFMSV-2014), Hammamet du 18 au 20 Décembre 2014, Tunisie . |
5 |
CHATTA Wahiba ,LIDJICI Hamza, LAGOUN Brahim and KHEMAKHEM Hamadi “Ab-initio calculation of structural, electronic, elastic, piezoelectric and optoelectronic properties of the tetragonal phase of barium titanate “International Meeting on Advanced Materials (MAM-2015) Hammamet, September 7- 9, 2015 – Tunisia. |
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LAGOUN Brahim ,LIDJICI Hamza,CHATTA Wahiba and KHEMAKHEM Hamadi “A FP-LAPW calculation of structural, electronic and optical properties of the rhombohedral phase of Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3 “International Meeting on Advanced Materials (MAM-2015) Hammamet, September 7- 9, 2015 – Tunisia. |
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T. Zarede, H. Lidjici, M. Fathi, A. Mahrane “Study and Simulation of the heterojunction thin film solar cell a-Si(n)/a-Si(i)/c-Si(p)/a-Si(i)/a-Si(p) ”The Proceedings of Third European Conference on Renewable Energy Systems – ECRES 2015 7-10 October 2015 Kemer/Antalya/Turkey |
Communications Nationales
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LIDJICIand H.KHEMAKHEM “x-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy investigation and piezoelectric properties of 0.935(Bi0.5 Na0.5)TiO3-0.065BaTiO3 ceramics”The First National ConferenceonElectronicsand New Technologies(NCENT’2015), May 19-20, M'Sila, Algeria. |
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Zarede T., lidjici H. , ayad M., fethi M. « Etude et simulation de la cellule photovoltaïque à hétérojonction en couche mince a-Si(n)/c-Si(p) en utilisant le programme AFORS-HET » Fifth Seminar on Materials - Processes and Environment. Boumerdes, 11 & 12, May 2014 |
Production Scientifique de l’équipe06
Communications Internationales
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F.ROGTI ‘Temperature effect on space charge dynamics in multi-layer insulation Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP) Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)’ Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP), 2013 IEEE Conference on Conference Location : Shenzhen 2013 DOI:10.1109/CEIDP.2013.6747096 |
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H .Boukhari F. Rogti ‘ Numerical modelling for bipolar charge transport in polyethylene under high DC applied voltage ‘Electrical Sciences and Technologies in Maghreb (CISTEM), 2014 International Conference on Conference Location :Tunis 2014 DOI: 10.1109/CISTEM.2014.7076952 |
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ROGTI ‘Role of the interface roughness on the accumulation and storage of charges’9ième Conférence de la Société Francaise d'Electrostatique, 27-29 Aout 2014, Maison de la Recherche et de la Valorisation, Univesité Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, Toulouse; 2014 |
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F.ROGTI ‘Temperature effect on space charge behavior at dielectric interface LDPE/FEP’8ème conférence de la Société Française d’Electrostatique, 3-5 juillet 2012, Cherbourg-Octeville, France. 2012 ISBN :978-2-9542540-0-5 EAN :9782954254005 |