Production Scientifique de l’équipe01
Publications Internationales
1 |
Ait abbas, H., Belkheiri, M., & Zegnini, B. (2015). Robust Neural Output Feedback Tracking Control For a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems Without Time-delay, International Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory, (In press) |
2 |
A. Bechkaoui, A.Ameur, S. Bouras and A. Hadjadj , Open-circuit and inter-turn short-circuit detection in PMSG for wind turbine applications using fuzzy logic. Energy Procedia 01/2015; 74:1323 – 1336. |
3 |
Ait abbas, H., Belkheiri, M., & Zegnini, B. (2015). Feedback Linearization Control of An Induction Machine Augmented by Single Hidden Layer Neural Networks, International Journal of Control, (DOI. 10.1080/00207179.2015.1063162). |
4 |
Ait abbas, H., Belkheiri, M., & Zegnini, B. (2015). Feedback Linearization Control for Highly Uncertain Nonlinear Systems Augmented by Single-Hidden-Layer Neural Networks, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, (vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 215{224). |
5 |
Ait abbas, H., Belkheiri, M., & Zegnini, B. (2015). Adaptive Output Feed-back Control For Highly Uncertain Nonlinear Systems Using Single Hidden LayerNeural Networks, International Journal of Transactions on Systems, Signals andDevices (Issues on Systems, Analysis & Automatic Control), vol.10, no. 1, pp.1-17, Germany. |
6 |
Kious Mecheri , Benhorma Hadj Aissa, Ameur Aissa, Hadjadj Abdechafik, “Neural Network Monitoring Strategy of Cutting Tool Wear of Horizontal High Speed Milling”, in journal of Applied Mechanics and Materials, pp. 46-52, vol. 565,2014, |
7 |
Hadjadj Abdechafik, Kious Mecheri, Ameur Aissa, “Tool Wear Monitoring of High Speed Milling Based on Vibratory Signal Processing”, in journal of Applied Mechanics and Materials, pp. 36-45, vol. 565,2014, |
8 |
A. Ameur, L. Mokrani, B. Mokhtari, N. Essounbouli, A. Azoui,” Intelligent DTC of PMSM, fed by a three-phase NPC three-level Inverter”, Acta Electrotehnica ,vol. 55; N. 1-2, pp. 3-9.2014. |
9 |
R. DJEKIDEL, D. MAHI, A.AMEUR, A. OUCHARCalcul et réduction du champ électrique au voisinage d’une ligne de transport d’énergie électrique HT Acta Electrotehnica ,vol. 55; N. 1-2, pp. 26-31, 2014. |
10 |
Hadjadj, M., Mokhtari, B., Mahi, Prediction of the physical parameters change inside a spherical cavity located in a material XLPE of a medium voltage cable by non-stationary modelling, Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2014 |
11 |
Hadjadj, M., Mokhtari, B., Mahi, Study of physical parameters change, by static regime modeling, in a heterogeneous insulating material XLPE, containing three cavities, of a medium voltage cable ; Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2014 |
12 |
10- Ait abbas, H., Belkheiri, M., & Zegnini, B. (2013). Feedback linearization control of a class of Nonlinear systems using single hidden layer Neural Network, International Journal on Advanced Electrical engineering (IJAEE), (vol. 01, no. 02, pp. 121-131). |
13 |
Ameur , K. Ameur, , and B. Mokhtari , "MRAS for Speed Sensorless Direct Torque Control of a PMSM Drive Based on PI Fuzzy Logic and Stator Resistance Estimator",transaction on control and mechanical systems, vol. 2, no. 7, pp. 321 -326, jul., 2013. |
14 |
A Ameur, B Mokhtari, N Essounbouli, F Nollet,”Modified direct torque control for permanent magnet synchronous motor drive based on fuzzy logic torque ripple reduction and stator resistance estimator”; in journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics 01/2013; 15(3):45-52 |
15 |
Ameur Aissa, Mokhtari Bachir , Mokrani Lakhdar, Najib Essounbouli and Azoui Boubaker, "Extended Kalman Filter for Speed ensorless Direct Torque control of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive Based Stator Resistance Estimator", In Journal of Electrical and Control Engineering, Vol. 2, N° 6, pp.33-39, 2012. |
16 |
B. MOKHTARI, A. AMEUR, M.F. BENKHORIS, L. MOKRANI and B. AZOUI: "Experimental DTC of an Induction Motor Applied to Optimize a Tracking System", In Renewable Energy & Power Quality Journal, N°10, 2012. |
17 |
A. Ameur, B. Mokhtari, L. Mokrani, N. Essounbouli , B. Azoui, and A. Hamzaoui " An Improved Sliding Mode Observer for Speed Sensorless Direct Torque Control of PMSM Drive with a Three-Level NPC Inverter Based Speed and Stator Resistance Estimator ", In Journal of Electric Engineering, Vol. 10, Edition-4, 2010. |
Publications Nationales
1 |
R. Djekidel, D. Mahi, A. Ameur, A. Ouchar , and M. Hadjadj, "Calcul et Atténuation du Champ Magnétique d’une Ligne Aérienne HT au Moyen d’une Boucle Passive ", Revue AJOT, Numéro Spécial, CNHT’2013, pp.284-287, 09-11 Avril 2013 |
2 |
A. Ameur, B. Mokhtari, L. Mokrani et B. Azoui, "Commande Directe du Flux et du Couple d’un MSAP alimenté par un Onduleur Triphasé de Type NPC à Trois Niveaux, dotée d’un Observateur à Modes Glissants", Revue DIRASSAT, pp.483-488, Laghouat, Algérie, 2008.
3 |
B. Mokhtari, A. Ameur, L. Mokrani et B. Azoui, "Compensateur PI de la Variation de la Résistance Statorique d’un Moteur Synchrone à Aimants Permanents Commandé par DTC", Revue DIRASSAT, pp.562-567, Laghouat, Algérie, 2008. |
Production Scientifique de l’équipe02
Publications Internationales
1 |
Lakhdar Bessissa, Larbi Boukezzi, Djillali Mahi, “Influence of Fuzzy Parameters on the Modeling Quality of XLPE Insulation Properties under Thermal Aging” Fuzzy information and Engineering, Science Direct, Volume 8, Issue 1,March 2016 , Pages 101-112 |
2 |
L. Boukezzi L. Bessissa, A. Boubekeur, D. Mahi, “ Neural networks and fuzzy logic approaches to predict mechanical properties of XLPE insulation cables under thermal aging” Neural Computing and Applications, Springer, March 2016, pp 1-14 |
3 |
L. Bessissa, L. Boukezzi, D. Mahi, “A Fuzzy Logic Approach to Model and Predict HV Cable Insulation Behaviour under Thermal Aging”, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, Volume 11, No. 03, (ISSN : 1785-8860, indexation : ISI THOMSON |
4 |
Amar Chaalane, Djillali Mahi, Ahmed Dkhissi,”Structural and electronic properties of doped oligothiophenes in the presence of p-toluenesulfonate acids” Springer , Theoretical Chemistry Accounts , Volume 134 (5), Pages 1-7(2015) ISSN 1432-881X |
5 |
A. Chaalane, R. Chemam, M. Houabes, R. Yahiaoui, A. Metatla, B.Ouari, N. Metatla, D. Mahi, A. Dkhissi, D. Esteve "A MEMS-based solid propellant microthruster array for space and military applications", Print ISSN: 1742-6588 IOP| Journal of Physics : Conference Series 660, 012137 (2015). |
6 |
L. Bessissa, L. Boukezzi, D. Mahi, “Application of experimental design method to predict properties of high voltage cables insulation under thermal aging”, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, Volume 98, No. 03, (ISSN : 0033-2097, indexation : SCOPUS), 2016. |
7 |
Abdelghani Rouini, Djillali Mahi , Modelling of the AC Breakdown Voltage of Point-Plane Air Gaps with Insulating Barrier international Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Volume 05 N°03 Juin2015,Pages 391-401 |
8 |
Abdelghani Rouini, Djillali Mahi, Tahar Seghier,Prédiction the AC Breakdown Voltage in Point/Plane Air Gaps with Barrier Using Design of Experiments , TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering Volume 12 N°12 Decembre 2014 Pages 8033 – 8041 |
9 |
Abdelkader Khoudiri, Kamel Guesmi, , Djillali Mahi “ Spectral decomposition based approach for DC–DC converters modeling “, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Science Direct Volume 61, October 2014, Pages 288–297 |
10 |
R. DJEKIDEL, D. MAHI, A.AMEUR, A. OUCHAR Calcul et réduction du champ électrique au voisinage d’une ligne de transport d’énergie électrique HT Acta Electrotehnica ,vol. 55; N. 1-2, pp. 26-31, 2014. |
11 |
Hadjadj, M., Mokhtari, B., D. Mahi, Study of physical parameters change, by static regime modeling, in a heterogeneous insulating material XLPE, containing three cavities, of a medium voltage cable ; Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2014 |
12 |
Hadjadj, M., Mokhtari, B., D. Mahi, Prediction of the physical parameters change inside a spherical cavity located in a material XLPE of a medium voltage cable by non-stationary modelling, Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2014 |
13 |
GOZIM, K.GUESMI, D.MAHI, On the enhancement of DC-DC converters behavior, PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, ISSN 0033-2097, R. 89 NR 7/2013 |
14 |
K. Guesmi, D. Gozim, D. Mahi et A. Hamzaoui, Nonlinear phenomena control in dc-dc converters using dynamical ramp, Journal of Electrical Systems, 6(2), juin 2010. |
15 |
B. Zegnini, D. Mahi, A. Chaker, Modeling Parameters Optimizations of 750kV Insulators Flashover Voltage under Pollution Conditions in High Altitude Areas Using RBF Artificial Neural Networks, ACTA ELECTROTECHNICA ET INFORMATICA, ISSN 1335-8243 No.4, Vol.9, 2009 |
16 |
M. Belkheiri, B. Zegnini, and D. Mahi , Modeling the Critical Flashover Voltage of High Voltage Insulators Using Artificial Intelligence, Journal of Intelligent Computing and Applications ( JICA),serials publication ISSN0974-410X,Volume 2, Number 2, July-December 2009, pp 137-154 |
17 |
B. Zegnini , L. Boudou, D. Mahi, J.J Martinez-Vega, The influence of crtystallization and morphology on the field induced strain of PEN thin films, Journal of Applied sciences Vol 7 issue 8, JAS-PS, pp 1206-1213 ,2008 |
18 |
B. Zegnini, L. Boudou, D. Mahi, J.J Martinez-Vega, « An Optical Technique to Measure Field Induced Mechanical Strains in polymeric Films » , ACTA ELECTROTEHNICA , ISSN 1224-2497 , Volume 49, No.1, pp 25-30 ,Meadiamira Science Publisher, 2008 |
19 |
B. Zegnini, L. Boudou, D. Mahi, J.J Martinez-Vega, « An Optical Technique based Mark Tracking for Electrical Induced Mechanical Strain Measurement in Thin polymer Films », Serbian , An International Journal of Electrical Engineering , ISSN 1451-4869 ,pp 161-169, Volume 4, No.2, November 2007 |
20 |
Boubakeur Zegnini, Djillali Mahi, Juan Martinez-Vega and Abdelkader Chaker, -Modelling AC arcs developing along electrolytic surfaces simulating practical polluted insulator using an original laboratory model, IJAER , international Journal of Applied Engineering Research , RIP Research India Publication , ISSN 0973-4562, Volume 2, Number 1 , pp:109-124 (2007) |
21 |
Atallah Smaili, Djillali Mahi, Boubakeur Zegnini, “Study of electric flashover of an insulating surface polluted by an alternating current discharge”, ACTA ELECTROTECHNICA, ISSN 1224-2497, Volume 47, Number 3, pp 132-138, 2006 |
22 |
B. Zegnini , D. Mahi , J.J. Martinez-Vega and A .Chaker,“Artificial Neural Networks Approach to the modelling of AC arcs Maintenance Conditions on Ice-covered Insulators”, Journal of Applied sciences, Official publication of the Asian Network for Scientific Information, Vol 6 No 8, pp :1785-1793, 2006. |
23 |
Mahi “Contournement électrique sous tension alternative d’un canal rempli d’électrolyte”Revue Internationale de Génie Electrique, Edition HERMES,Vol. 4 /3-4-2001, pp. 431-458 |
Publications Nationales
1 |
A. BENSACI, D. MAHI, B. ZEGNINI , Simulation d’une Décharge Electrique Multi-Branches, sur une Surface Isolante Polluée Modélisant un Isolateur HT, Revue des sciences et sciences de l’ingénieur, Volume 4 Numéro 1- Décembre 2014-ISSN 2170-0737, UATL, pp 10-15 |
2 |
B. Zegnini, M. Belkheiri, D.Mahi , « Estimation of arc parameters for pollution flashover of high voltage insulators using Genetic Algorithms », An International Publication of Engineering Science ,Algerian journal of Technology, -7émé Conférence Nationale sur la haute tension , Sidi Bel-Abbés 19-21 April 2009, ISSN 1111-357X, pp 274-278, 2009.. |
3 |
B.Zegnini , D. Mahi and A .Chaker” Determination of the characteristics of AC arcs developing along electrolytic surface using regression on the test results” ICEEE ‘2004 International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering , April 24-26 , 2004 , Laghouat , Algeria , Revue DIRASSAT Univ-laghouat ISSN 1112-4652 pp 179-183. |
4 |
B. Zegnini, D. Mahi and A .Chaker “New approach using artificial neural networks as function estimator of time to flashover of polluted insulators under power frequency voltage application” An International Publication of Engineering Science ,Algerian journal of Technology ,CNHT’2003 ,Oran 01-03 Decembre 2003, Algérie, sponsor by CIGRE , pp 214-218. |
5 |
B. Zegnini. , D. Mahi,, “ Etude dynamique de la propagation sur une surface d’électrolyte d’une décharge électrique alimentée en courant alternatif ”, International Algerian Journal Of Technologie (AJOT), n°Spécial, série B (CNHT’2002), Ghardaïa 16-17 Janvier2002, Algérie, sponsor by CIGRE, pp 129-132. |
6 |
L. Boukezzi, L. Bessissa, T. Ben Aissa, D. Mahi, A. Boubakeur, “Prédiction par la méthode des plans d’expériences des propriétés de l’isolation des câbles de haute tension sous vieillissement thermique”, 4ième Conférence internationale sur l’électrotechnique ICEL 2009, Université des sciences et de la technologie – Mohamed Boudiaf, Oran, Algérie, 11-12 Novembre 2009. |
7 |
L. Bessissa, L. Boukezzi, D. Mahi, A. Boubakeur, “Application de la logique floue dans la prédiction des propriétés mécaniques (Allongement à chaud) des isolants des câbles HT sous vieillissement thermique”, International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Applications ICEEA’2010, University of Bejaia, Alegria, 02–03 Novembre 2010. |
8 |
L. Bessissa, L. Boukezzi, D. Mahi, A. Boubakeur, “Modélisation et prédiction du comportement mécanique de l’isolation des câbles de haute tension soumis à un vieillissement thermique basée sur la logique floue”, Congrès Algérien de Mécanique CAM’2011, Université 8 mai 1945, Guelma, Algérie, du 14 au 17 Novembre 2011. |
9 |
L. Bessissa, L. Boukezzi, D. Mahi, A. Boubakeur, “Modelling and prediction of HV insulation cables behaviour under thermal aging: Use of Fuzzy logic approach”, Third International Meeting on Dielectric Materials IMDM’3, MONASTIR - TUNISIA, November 13-18, 2011. |
10 |
L. Bessissa, L. Boukezzi, Z. Turki, D. Mahi, A. Boubakeur, “Influence of the Variation of Fuzzy Algorithms Parameters on the Quality of HV Cable Insulation Properties Modeling Subjected to Thermal Aging”, 5th International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy IWIS’5, Chemnitz - Germany, November 26-28, 2012. |
11 |
L. Bessissa, L. Boukezzi, D. Mahi, “Détermination de la durée de vie de PRC utilisé dans l’isolation des câbles HT soumis à un vieillissement thermique en utilisant les Suites Arithmétiques”, Deuxième Conférence Internationale sur la Maintenance, la Gestion, la Logistique et l’Electrotechnique CIMGLE’2012, ENST de Oran, Oran, Algérie, du 19 au 21 Novembre 2012. Nanomatériaux COMINAM – 2012, Université Kasdi Merbah, Ouargla, Algérie, du 09 au 11 Décembre 2012, Recueil des résumés pp. 90-91. |
12 |
L. Bessissa, L. Boukezzi, D. Saadi, S. Slimani, D. Mahi, “Application des Algorithmes Génétiques dans la modélisation des propriétés des isolants des câbles HT soumis à un vieillissement thermique”, 11ème Séminaire International sur la Physique Energétique (11th International Meeting on Energetical Physics), SIPE11, Université de Béchar, Béchar, Algérie, du 16 au 17 Janvier 2013. |
13 |
L. Bessissa, L. Boukezzi, D. Saadi, S. Slimani, D. Mahi, “Modélisation des propriétés des isolants des câbles HT soumis à un vieillissement thermique en utilisant les Algorithmes Génétiques «Application à la fiabilité des matériaux»”, 5ième Congrès Maghrébin de Génie des Procédés GMGP’5, Boumerdès - Algérie, du 05 au 07 Mai 2013. |
Production Scientifique de l’équipe03
Publications Internationales
1 |
Hamou Ait Abbas, Mohammed Belkheiri and Boubakeur Zegnini, Feedback Linearization Control for Highly Uncertain Nonlinear Systems Augmented by Single-Hidden-Layer Neural Networks, JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY REVIEW, Volume 8 Issue 2, on Synchronization and Control of Chaos: Theory, Methods and Aplications, 2015,pp215-224 |
2 |
Ait abbas, H., Belkheiri, M., & Zegnini, B. (2015). Feedback Linearization Control of An Induction Machine Augmented by Single Hidden Layer Neural Networks, International Journal of Control, (DOI. 10.1080/00207179.2015.1063162) |
3 |
Ait abbas, H., Belkheiri, M., & Zegnini, B. (2015). Adaptive Output Feedback Control For Highly Uncertain Nonlinear Systems Using Single Hidden Layer Neural Networks, International Journal of Transactions on Systems, Signals andDevices (Issues on Systems, Analysis & Automatic Control), vol.10, no. 1, pp.1-17, Germany. |
4 |
AH. Mahdjoubi, B. Zegnini, M. Belkheiri, A new approach using Least Squares Support Vector Machines (LS-SVM) to predict Furan in power transformers, PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, Pologne, 2014, pp: 142-145. |
5 |
A Mahdjoubi, B Zegnini, M Belkheiri , A LS-SVM (Least Squares Support Vector Machines) Approach for Predicting Critical Flashover Voltage of Polluted Insulators, Journal of Energy and Power Engineering 7 (2), pp 355-360, David Publishing Company ( 2013) |
6 |
Belkacem Yousfi, Boubakeur Zegnini, Juan Martinez-Vega, Quantifying Full Field Surface Deformation in Organic Insulators under Electrical Stress with DIC, Advanced Materials Research, Vol 647, pp 676-682 ( 2013) |
7 |
T. Seghier , F.Bouchelga , B.Zegnini ,A simulation study of the gas characteristics effects on surface discharges apparition between electrode and dielectric layer, ACTA Electrotechnica ,Volume 52 n°4 , 2011 ,pp 185-189, Mediamira Science Publisher |
8 |
B. Zegnini, D. Mahi , A. Chaker, Modeling Parameters Optimizations of 750kV Insulators Flashover Voltage under Pollution Conditions in High Altitude Areas Using RBF Artificial Neural Networks, ACTA ELECTROTECHNICA ET INFORMATICA, ISSN 1335-8243 No.4, Vol.9, 2009 |
10 |
M. Belkheiri, B. Zegnini, and D. Mahi , Modeling the Critical Flashover Voltage of High Voltage Insulators Using Artificial Intelligence, Journal of Intelligent Computing and Applications ( JICA),serials publication ISSN0974-410X,Volume 2, Number 2, July-December 2009, pp 137-154 |
11 |
N. Lahoud, B. Zegnini, J. Martinez-Vega; a description of the various parameters at play during the electrical ageing process of organic insulators; journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials – symposia, vol. 1, no. 5, 2009, p. 958 – 962 |
12 |
B. Zegnini, N.Lahoud, L.Boudou, J.J. Martinez-Vega, Visualization and quantification of the mechanical deformation induced by an electrical field in poly(ethylene naphthalene 2,6-dicarboxylate) (PEN) films, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Wiley Periodicals, Inc., A Wiley Company, Volume 110, Issue 1 Pages 23 – 29, October 2008. |
13 |
B. Zegnini , L. Boudou, D. Mahi, J.J Martinez-Vega, The influence of crtystallization and morphology on the field induced strain of PEN thin films, Journal of Applied sciences Vol 7 issue 8, JAS-PS, pp 1206-1213 ,2008 |
14 |
B. Zegnini, L. Boudou, D. Mahi, J.J Martinez-Vega, « An Optical Technique to Measure Field Induced Mechanical Strains in polymeric Films » , ACTA ELECTROTEHNICA , ISSN 1224-2497 , Volume 49, No.1, pp 25-30 ,Meadiamira Science Publisher, 2008. |
15 |
B. Zegnini, L. Boudou, D. Mahi, J.J Martinez-Vega, « An Optical Technique based Mark Tracking for Electrical Induced Mechanical Strain Measurement in Thin polymer Films », Serbian , An International Journal of Electrical Engineering , ISSN 1451-4869 ,pp 161-169, Volume 4, No.2, November 2007 |
16 |
Boubakeur Zegnini, Djillali Mahi, Juan Martinez-Vega and Abdelkader Chaker, -Modelling AC arcs developing along electrolytic surfaces simulating practical polluted insulator using an original laboratory model, IJAER , international Journal of Applied Engineering Research , RIP Research India Publication , ISSN 0973-4562, Volume 2, Number 1 , pp:109-124 (2007) |
17 |
Atallah Smaili, Djillali Mahi, Boubakeur Zegnini, “Study of electric flashover of an insulating surface polluted by an alternating current discharge”, ACTA ELECTROTECHNICA, ISSN 1224-2497, Volume 47, Number 3, pp 132-138, 2006 |
18 |
B. Zegnini , D. Mahi , J.J. Martinez-Vega and A .Chaker,“Artificial Neural Networks Approach to the modelling of AC arcs Maintenance Conditions on Ice-covered Insulators”, Journal of Applied sciences, Official publication of the Asian Network for Scientific Information, Vol 6 No 8, pp :1785-1793, 17th July 2006. |
Publications Nationales
1 |
A. BENSACI, D. MAHI, B. ZEGNINI , Simulation d’une Décharge Electrique Multi-Branches, sur une Surface Isolante Polluée Modélisant un Isolateur HT, Revue des sciences et sciences de l’ingénieur, Volume 4 Numéro 1- Décembre 2014-ISSN 2170-0737, UATL, pp 10-15 |
2 |
F .BENABED, B. ZEGNINI, T. SEGHIER, Measurement of Full-Field de Formation During Propagation of Creeping Discharges overSolid/Liquid Interfaces, Revue des sciences et sciences de l’ingénieur, Volume 3 Numéro 1- Décembre 2013-ISSN 2170-0737, UATL, pp 6-12 |
3 |
Boubakeur Mechettah, Boubakeur Zegnini and Belkacem Yousfi , Calcul des paramètres d'une décharge électrique dans les petits intervalles d'air à l'aide de la Simulation Monte Carlo, An International Publication of Engineering Science ,Algerian journal of Technology, -9émé Conférence Nationale sur la aute tension , Laghouat 09-11 Avril 2013, ISSN 1111-357X ,pp.6-1 |
4 |
Aissa Yousfi, Boubakeur Zegnini, Modélisation de la propagation des streamers ramifiés dans les diélectriques liquides, An International Publication of Engineering Science ,Algerian journal of Technology, -9émé Conférence Nationale sur la haute tension , Laghouat 09-11 Avril 2013, ISSN 1111-357X ,pp.245-251 |
5 |
El Moradj Darem, Boubakeur Zegnini and Mohamed Mekhanet, Application des réseaux de neurones artificiels pour estimer les tensions de claquage dans les intervalles d'air pour les champs électriques divergents , An International Publication of Engineering Science ,Algerian journal of Technology, -9émé Conférence Nationale sur la haute tension , Laghouat 09-11 Avril 2013, ISSN 1111-357X ,pp.263-268 |
6 |
Abdelhalim Mahdjoubi, Boubakeur Zegnini and Mohammed Belkheiri, Kernels Functions for Least Squares Support Vector Machines (LS-SVM ) to Diagnose High Voltage Polluted Insulators, An International Publication of Engineering Science ,Algerian journal of Technology, -9émé Conférence Nationale sur la haute tension , Laghouat 09-11 Avril 2013, ISSN 1111-357X ,pp.269-273 |
7 |
B. Zegnini , B.Yousfi , L.Boudou , J. Martinez –Vega , "Optical Full-Field Measurement Method to Characterize Mechanical Strain Insulating Polymer Materials Subjected to a DC High Electrical Fields" An International Publication of Engineering Science ,Algerain journal of Technology, -8émé Conférence Nationale sur la haute tension , Tiaret 09-11 Mai 2011, ISSN 1111-357X, pp 79-84, 20 |
8 |
B.Allili, B. Zegnini, « Simulation d’un modèle physique de configuration tige-plan pour l’étude du champ d’apparition des streamers positifs sur une surface de glace », Revue des sciences et sciences de l’ingénieur, Volume 1 Numéro 1- Juin 2010 - ISSN 2170-0737, UATL, pp 67-73 |
9 |
B. Yousfi B. Zegnini, L. Boudou, J.J Martinez-Vega, « The electromechnical response and dielectric breakdown of Poly (Ethylene-2, 6-Naphthalene Dicarboxylate) (PEN) Thin Films subjected to high electric fields », An International Publication of Engineering Science ,Algerian journal of Technology, -7émé Conférence Nationale sur la haute tension , Sidi Bel-Abbés 19-21 April 2009, ISSN 1111-357X, pp 32-36, 2009. |
10 |
B. Zegnini, M. Belkheiri, D.Mahi , « Estimation of arc parameters for pollution flashover of high voltage insulators using Genetic Algorithms», An International Publication of Engineering Science ,Algerian journal of Technology, -7émé Conférence Nationale sur la haute tension , Sidi Bel-Abbés 19-21 April 2009, ISSN 1111-357X, pp 274-278, 2009.. |
11 |
B. Zegnini, L. Boudou, J.J Martinez-Vega, « Electrical Induced Mechanical Strain Measurement of Poly (Ethylene-2, 6-Naphthalene Dicarboxylate) (PEN) Thin Films by non destructive optical technique », An International Publication of Engineering Science ,Algerian journal of Technology, -6émé Conférence Nationale sur la haute tension , Taghit 5-7 November 2007, ISSN 1111-357X, pp 288-291, 2007. |
12 |
B.Zegnini , D. Mahi and A .Chaker” Determination of the characteristics of AC arcs developing along electrolytic surface using regression on the test results” ICEEE ‘2004 International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering , April 24-26 , 2004 , Laghouat , Algeria , Revue DIRASSAT Univ-laghouat ISSN 1112-4652 pp 179-183. |
13 |
B. Zegnini, D. Mahi and A .Chaker “New approach using artificial neural networks as function estimator of time to flashover of polluted insulators under power frequency voltage application” An International Publication of Engineering Science ,Algerian journal of Technology ,CNHT’2003 ,Oran 01-03 Decembre 2003, Algérie, sponsor by CIGRE , pp 214-218. |
14 |
B. Zegnini. , D. Mahi,, “ Etude dynamique de la propagation sur une surface d’électrolyte d’une décharge électrique alimentée en courant alternatif ”, International Algerian Journal Of Technologie (AJOT), n°Spécial, série B (CNHT’2002), Ghardaïa 16-17 Janvier2002, Algérie, sponsor by CIGRE, pp 129-132. |
Production Scientifique de l’équipe04
Publications Internationales
1 |
Benabed, T. Seghier, Seghiour,S. Boudraa, M. Taouti, S. chabira “Study of Relaxation and Dielectric Response of Polyimide Films”,Volume 18 – 2016, European Journal of Electrical Engineering, |
2 |
Rouini, M. Djillali « Modelling of the AC Breakdown Voltage of Point- Plane Gaps with Discharge Insulating Barrier” International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), Vol. 5, No. 3, June 2015, pp. 391~402 |
3 |
Nedjem, T. Seghier, A. Hadjadj “New multilayer arrangement of dielectric layers for enhancement of the magnetic shielding absorption at low frequency in the near field”, Journal of Materials Science Materials in Electronics, 2015, |
4 |
Benabed, T. Seghier“Dielectric Proprieties and Relaxation Behavior of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)”, Applied Mechanics and Materials ISSN: 1660-9336, 2015, |
5 |
K. Kouzi, T. Seghier, A. Natouri "Speed Sensorless Fuzzy Control of Dual Sector Stator Induction Motor Drive Using MRAS Approach", in International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, IJEEE, 2015 . |
6 |
Seghier, F. Benabed"Dielectric Proprieties Determination of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) by Dielectric Spectroscopy", International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing, ISSN: 1793-8198, Volume 03, Number 02, 2015, pp121-124. |
7 |
Rouini, D. Mahi, Seghier“ Prediction the AC Breakdown Voltage in Point/Plane Air Gaps with Barrier Using Design of Experiments” TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 12, December 2014, pp. 8033 ~ 8041. |
8 |
Hadjadj, B. Mokhtari, D. Mahi “Prediction of the Physical Parameters Change Inside a Spherical Cavity Located in a Material XLPE of a Medium Voltage Cable by Non-Stationary Modeling.” Journal of Electric Engineering, 2014, |
9 |
Hadjadj, B. Mokhtari, D. Mahi ,“Study of Physical Parameters Change, by Static Regime Modeling, in a Heterogeneous Insulating Material XLPE, Containing Three Cavities, of a Medium Voltage Cable.” Journal of Electric Engineering, 2014, |
10 |
A. Elaggoune, T. Seghier, “Etude par simulation de l'influence d'éventuels défauts sur l'isolation d'un cable électrique”, An International Publication of Engineering Science, Algerian journal of Technology, 9émé Conférence Nationale sur la haute tension, Laghouat 9-11 avril 2013, ISSN 1111-357X, pp 197-201. |
11 |
Seghier, F. Benabed “Influence of Ageing onto the Dielectric Response in Frequency Domain of Oil Impregnated Paper Insulation Used in Power Transformers” An International Publication of Engineering Science ,Algerian journal of Technology, 9émé Conférence Nationale sur la haute tension , Laghouat 9-11 avril 2013, ISSN 1111-357X, pp 81-86, 2013. |
12 |
Seghier, F. Bouchelgua, B. Zegnini “ A Simulation Study of the Gas Characteristics Effect on Surface Discharges Apparition between Electrode and Dielectric Layer” Journal ACTA Elecrotehnica, Academy of technical sciences of Romania, ISSN 1841-3323, Volume 52, Number 4, 2011, pp. 185-189. |
13 |
Seghier, D. Mahi, T. Lebey, D. Malec «The Effect of space charge on partial discharges inception voltage in air gaps within high density polyethylene» Revue Courier du savoir, université Mohamed khider, Algeria, ISSN 1112-3338, N°10, April 2010, pp. 35-41 |
14 |
Seghier, D. Mahi «Investigation into partial discharge dependence in air gaps between high density polyethylene tapes» Journal ACTA Elecrotehnica, Academy of technical sciences of Romania, ISSN 1841-3323, Volume 49, Number 1, 2008, pp. 3-. |
15 |
Seghier, D. Mahi , T. Lebey, D. Malec The Effect of space charge on partial discharges inception voltage in air gaps within high density polyethylene An International Publication of Engineering Science ,Algerian journal of Technology, -6ème Conférence Nationale sur la haute tension , Taghit 5-7 November 2007, ISSN 1111-357X, pp 279-283, 2007 |
- Publications Nationales
1 |
Benabed, B. Zegnini, Seghier“Measurement of Full-Field de Formation During Propagation of Creeping Discharges over Solid/Liquid Interfaces”, Revue des Sciences et Sciences de l’Ingénieur, RSSI, Vol. 03, No. 01, Décembre (2013) 06-12 |
Production Scientifique de l’équipe05
Publications Internationales
1 |
Lidjici H., Lagoun B. , Berrahal M., Rguiti M, Hentatti M.A Khemakhem H” XRD, Raman and Electrical Studies on (1-x) (Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3−xBaTiO3 lead free ceramics’’. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 618 (2015) 643–648. |
Production Scientifique de l’équipe06
Publications Internationales
1 |
F. ROGTI ‘Effect of Temperature on Formation and Stability of Shallow Trap at a Dielectric Interface of the Multilayer’ Journal of Electronic aterials 2015 |
2 |
F. ROGTI, M FERHAT ‘Maxwell Wagner Polarization and interfacial charge at the multi-layers of thermoplastic polymers’ Journal of Electrostatics 72 (2014) 91-97 doi:10.1016/j.elstat.2013.11.012 |
3 |
F. ROGTI ‘Space Charge Behavior and Its Modified Electric Field in the Cross-Linked Polyethylene under Applied Voltage DC and Different Temperature’ Journal of Electrostatics 71 (2013) 1046e1054doi:10.1016/j.elstat.2013.10.005 |
4 |
.F. ROGTI, M FERHAT ‘Effect of Temperature on Trap Depth Formation in multi-layer insulation: Low Density Polyethylene and Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene’ Applied Physics Letters 104, 031605 (2014) |
5 |
F. Rogti Space Charge Dynamic at the Physical Interface in Cross-linked Polyethylene under DC Field and Different Temperatures IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 1070-9878/11/$25.00 © 2011 IEEE |
6 |
H .Boukhari F. Rogti ‘Numerical Modeling of Charge Transport in Polymer Materials Under DC Continuous Electrical Stress’ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials2015 DOI : |
7 |
.Rogti ‘Effect of electrodes on space charge in cross-linked polyethylene under DC field’ Journal of electrical engineering JEE 2013 |
8 |
F.Rogti ‘Interfaces roughness effects on charges generation and storage ‘Journal of electrical engineering JEE 2014 |